Love, Joy, Peace...

A pioneer group of Pentecostal believers known today as the Apollo Assembly of God held services for the first time in a resi­dence at N. Eighth St., and Warren Ave., Apollo, Pa., under the leadership of the late Rev. Chastine about the year 1939. Later services were held in a residence at N. Fourth Street, Apollo, Pa. (near the borough building) under the leader­ship of the following pastors: Rev. William Kiefer, Rev. Lloyd Kipp, and Rev. Paul Baughman.

Rev. Paul Baughman envisioned the church and purchased the land which was part of the Owens Estate. He led the con­gregation in building the foundation and holding their first ser­vice in October 1957.

Rev. Roy Wasdin was called to pastor this congregation in November 1961 during which time the work continued on the church. In the meantime, he led the congregation in building the parsonage on June 1962 which was dedicated to the Lord's Work on October 1, 1962.

Rev. George Dashiell was called to pastor this congregation on August 17, 1966. During his tenure, the construction that was at a standstill, continued with the superstructure largely com­pleted, and the first service was held in the sanctuary on December 25, 1969.

Rev. Joseph Del Turco was called to pastor this congregation on April 27, 1970. During this time further preparations were made for the dedication.

Our building was erected by the unselfish efforts and monies of the members of this congregation, former members, former pastors, and friends of this congregation.

In 2024, Apollo Assembly of God merged with Christian Assembly of God and was renamed Grace Assembly of God, Apollo.

Rev. Jason Jodon serves as the current lead pastor.